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关 键 词:
G228 尾接杆 零件 工艺 规程 以及 32 夹具 设计
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2002) 19:253–259  2002 Springer-Verlag London Limited An Analysis of Draw-Wall Wrinkling in a Stamping Die Design F.-K. Chen and Y.-C. Liao Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Wrinkling that occurs in the stamping of tapered square cups and stepped rectangular cups is investigated. A common characteristic of these two types of wrinkling is that the wrinkles are found at the draw wall that is relatively unsup- ported. In the stamping of a tapered square cup, the effect of process parameters, such as the die gap and blank-holder force, on the occurrence of wrinkling is examined using finite- element simulations. The simulation results show that the larger the die gap, the more severe is the wrinkling, and such wrinkling cannot be suppressed by increasing the blank-holder force. In the analysis of wrinkling that occurred in the stamping of a stepped rectangular cup, an actual production part that has a similar type of geometry was examined. The wrinkles found at the draw wall are attributed to the unbalanced stretching of the sheet metal between the punch head and the step edge. An optimum die design for the purpose of eliminating the wrinkles is determined using finite-element analysis. The good agreement between the simulation results and those observed in the wrinkle-free production part validates the accuracy of the finite-element analysis, and demonstrates the advantage of using finite-element analysis for stamping die design. Keywords: Draw-wall wrinkle; Stamping die; Stepped rec- tangular cup; Tapered square cups 1. Introduction Wrinkling is one of the major defects that occur in the sheet metal forming process. For both functional and visual reasons, wrinkles are usually not acceptable in a finished part. There are three types of wrinkle which frequently occur in the sheet metal forming process: flange wrinkling, wall wrinkling, and elastic buckling of the undeformed area owing to residual elastic compressive stresses. In the forming operation of stamp- ing a complex shape, draw-wall wrinkling means the occurrence Correspondence and offprint requests to: Professor F.-K. Chen, Depart- ment of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1 Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan 10617. E-mail: fkchenL50560 w3.me.ntu.edu.tw of wrinkles in the die cavity. Since the sheet metal in the wall area is relatively unsupported by the tool, the elimination of wall wrinkles is more difficult than the suppression of flange wrinkles. It is well known that additional stretching of the material in the unsupported wall area may prevent wrinkling, and this can be achieved in practice by increasing the blank- holder force; but the application of excessive tensile stresses leads to failure by tearing. Hence, the blank-holder force must lie within a narrow range, above that necessary to suppress wrinkles on the one hand, and below that which produces fracture on the other. This narrow
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