,机床夹具设计 在这整个设计过程中进一步加深并巩固了我这两年所学的知识,令我感到受益匪浅, 收获颇丰。 由于个人能力和经验有限,设计中会出现很多不足之处,希望各位老师给予指教。 关键词:专用夹具;刀具;量具;机械制图 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 II Abstract In brief this in
1、机床夹具设计 在这整个设计过程中进一步加深并巩固了我这两年所学的知识,令我感到受益匪浅, 收获颇丰。
关键词:专用夹具;刀具;量具;机械制图 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 II Abstract In brief this instruction booklet, mainly was introduced my design main design mentality and the design process. In addition two sets of jigs supposing with cutting tool, measuring instrument design mentality and design process, as well as appendix and reference booklist, concluding remark. My design topic is machine tool support, s technological design. May in。